Daily Schedule
Consistency in Daily Routines
Tiny Dreamers

Age 6 weeks- 18 months
7:30 Morning Greeting
7:45-8:15: Exploration of Materials
8:30-9:00: Breakfast
9:00-9:10: Story Time
9:15-9:45: Gym
10:00-10:30: Morning Snack
10:45-11:15: Sensory Activity
11:30-11:45: Music and Movement
12:00-12:45: Lunch
1:00-3:00: Free Play/ Exploration
3:00-3:30: Afternoon Snack
3:45- 4:15: Story/ Music Time
4:15- 5:15: Floor/ Teacher Time
5:30: Departure
*Infant schedules are very child specific and individualistic and so expect naps and meals throughout the day to be very sporadic.

Little Lullabies
Age 18-30 months
7:30 Morning Greeting
7:45-8:20: Free Play
8:30-9:00: Breakfast/ Self Care
9:00-9:50: Gym
10:00-10:30: Morning Snack/ Story
10:40-10:45: Brush Teeth
10:45-11:30: Center Play/ Activity
11:30-11:45: Music and Movement
12:00-12:45: Lunch
1:00-3:00: Quiet/ Nap Time
3:00-3:30: Afternoon Snack
3:45- 4:15: Group Play/ Sensory Activity
4:15-5:15: Gym
5:30: Departure

Little Dippers
Age 2.5-4 years old
7:30 Morning Greeting
7:30-8:15: Classroom Explorations/ Table Top Activities
8:30-9:00: Breakfast and Self Care (brush teeth and potties)
9:00-9:45: Center Play/ Activity
9:50-10:00: Morning Gathering/ Music and Movement
10:00-10:30: Morning Snack/ Story
10:30-11:15: Gym
11:15-12:00: Group project/ activity
12:00-12:30: Lunch
12:30- 1:00pm: Self Care Routine & Book Exploration
1:00-3:00: Quiet/ Nap Time
3:00-3:30: Afternoon Snack
3:30- 4:00: Science Activity
4:00-4:30: Gym
4:30-5:30 Tabletop/ Sensory Activity
5:30: Departure

Shooting Stars
Age 4-5 years old
7:30 Morning Greeting
7:30-8:15: Free Play
8:30-9:00: Breakfast
9:00-9:30: Morning Gathering/ Jobs
9:30-10:00: Small Group Activity
10:00-10:20: Morning Snack
10:20-10:40: Journaling(M,W,F) or Buddy Reading (T,Th)
!0:40-11:15: Music & Movement
11:15- 12:00: Gym/ Outside
12:00-12:30: Lunch & Brush Teeth
12:30-1: Self Care & Large Group Activity
1:00-2:15: Calm Body Time/ Book Exploration
2:15-3:00: Small Group/ Quiet Activity
3:00-3:30: Afternoon Snack
3:30- 4:00: Gym
4:00-4:15: Afternoon Gathering
4:30-5:15: Group/ Free Play
5:30: Departure